5/2016 - Narratives of the Crisis/Récits de crise
Coord. : Christiana Constantopoulou, Professor of Sociology, Panteion University, Greece
- Christiana Constantopoulou
Introduction - Narratives of Crisis: Myths and Realities of the Contemporary Society - Kyriakos Mikelis
‘Neocolonial Power Europe’? Postcolonial Thought and the Eurozone Crisis - Albertina Pretto
Narratives, values and voters: a case study in Italy - Emmanouil Takas et Athanasios N. Samaras
Legitimation and de-legitimation processes of Memorandum II in Greece: Facets of strategic framing in Greek parliamentary discourse. - Mgr. Miroslav Grznár et Mgr. Petra A. Beránková
Narratives of Crises and Conversational Repertoires: Political Culture in the Czech Republic - Alexandros Kyriakidis
Myths in the Greek Crisis: 2009-2015 - Ilva Skulte et Normunds Kozlovs
Surviving Crisis in Latvia: Narratives of the State and its Citizens in Internet Space - Iwona Młoźniak
Active Ageing: The Narratives of Agency and Crisis - Ronny Scholz
Towards a post-material prosperity?
An analysis of legitimising narratives in German crisis discourses from 1973 and 2008. - Konstantinos Bizas
Reinhart Koselleck’s work on crisis - VARIA
Alexandre Eyries
Claude Hagège (2015), L’éthique de l’internet face au nouveau monde numérique. Mais qui garde les gardes ?
Carolina Duek
Serge Regourd, Laurence Leveneur et Susana Frutos (2015), Télévisions de France et d’Argentine. Enjeux, défis et perspectives
Alexandre Eyries
Françoise Poyet (2015), Technologies numérique et formation. Freins et leviers
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